Accelerated Summer Treatment Program for ADHD and Autism, with remote treatment options for CA patients. To learn more,
click here >>"First of all, we would like to thank all of the staff and management who run Drake Institute. With more than 6 months of continuous attendance with Drake, we feel at home and our son was treated with the best care.
The program design for our son was really helpful and gave our son a confident feeling like other normal kids have. At the beginning we had so many issues listed that we wanted Drake to deal with e.g. hyperactivity, focus, following instructions ns, eye to eye contact to name a few.
With the following program offered by Drake (Neuro Feedback, Fast forward, and Captain’s Log) our son developed tremendous improvement as he moves forward in his daily life. Imagine you’re watching the TV series (Flip your Habits!). Everything changes as time goes by.
There is no amount of words/money that can explain the feeling that we feel as a parent as we walk out towards the close out of our son’s program at Drake.
Again, we recommend Drake Institute to everybody who has a similar struggle that we [have] undergone with our son. Try it and it really works."
Ed P., Father
"My son is a much happier, more confident easier going child. His repetitive behavior is non -existent, his conversations are no longer one way and he doesn’t fall apart when things don’t go his way. He is more interested in playing with friends. I can tell other kids enjoy playing with him. He has had great success with school this year both academically and socially. We are very pleased with our results (at the Drake Institute)."
Mindy P., Mother of autistic son
"Thomas has achieved vast improvement in communications and social interactions. He is so much more aware of what goes on around him. His mind is clearer. My son likes going to The Drake Institute. The staff has kept me informed of program changes and progress being made. I am very satisfied with the services provided by the Drake institute."
Father of autistic son
"Before treatment, Timmy was very difficult and hard to control as far as outbursts and hyperactivity. He had no sense of personal space which always made people very uncomfortable. He would react before he thought. Since April, I’ve seen small improvement here and there, but within this past month, I’ve noticed how mature he has become; more patient and gentle with his little brother when they play together. I very rarely notice any outbursts and his tempers have improved greatly. If he wasn’t my child, I would not know he has ADHD. Thank you very much for helping his improvement and ours."
Amy, Mother of ADHD son
"I would gladly recommend the Drake Institute and its wonderful programs. Not only is my daughter completely off of her ADHD medication, but she is able to do so much more on her own. She has improved self-esteem.
I was also very impressed with the professional staff. Their promptness in meeting our needs and thoroughness were greatly appreciated."
Jill B., Mother
"My daughter has improved mostly in areas of social skill since coming to Drake. She has improved confidence: her language skills have improved, and she is doing better in school. She likes coming to Drake. The Drake staff has kept me informed of program changes and progress being made. Overall I am very satisfied with the Drake Institute."
MF., Mother
"This program was the breakthrough treatment we are looking for. The overall “game plan” for Momoko’s treatment was outstanding, and executed flawlessly. There has clearly been more focus and concentration at school resulting in useful and logical processing of absorbed information. Momoko is a shining example of the treatment’s potential for hope and optimism in the fight against Autism. We thanks Drake for bringing Momoko a bright outlook for the future."
Wayne Y., Father of Momoko
"Rachael is the type of child with ADHD that did very well academically, but suffered socially and behaviorally. When we came to the Drake Institute, we came out of total desperation. We had tried and researched everything we could get our hands on – food allergies, chiropractic, parenting classes (behavior modification). Homeopathic treatments, medications – you name it we tried it!
Rachael, our only child, was being told by her private school that if her behavior didn’t improve before the end of the year, she would be asked to not return to the school the next year. Because Rachael was an excellent student, learned very quickly, and had a very charming, outgoing personality, she managed to make it through 2nd grade before it came to this, but there were problems with her behavior (she had been kicked out of two preschools).
We were very surprised after being evaluated at The Drake Institute to find that Rachael had ALL the symptoms of ADHD and was considered a “severe” case. I began to realize that I was not a “bad mother” after all and all the years of struggle with her were because of something beyond any of our controls. I was beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and knew for the first time that it was not a train. This was permanently fixable and would change our lives forever. We were all very excited to start treatment. We have two treatments left, and I can honestly tell the parents out there wondering if the money spent and thousands of miles on our car (we live in Victorville and drove to Irvine) and stress created by the coordination of two working parent’s schedules were worth it to “GO FOR IT – YOU WON’T BE SORRY!”
We have a happy, controllable, socially accepted child now, and her parents have managed to fall back in love with each other because they now can spend some time together without wanting to scream. I think our hair is starting to grow back in now also (smiling with tears in my eyes) Thank you Drake Institute!"
Rachael's parents, Victorville
"I am thrilled to share our story with others interested in The Drake Institute. We have had a very successful experience in accomplishing our goals for our son through the neurofeedback offered at The Drake Institute. Our son was diagnosed with ADHD, and began taking Ritalin just after his 5th birthday. The decision to have our son take Ritalin was very difficult for us, but we just kept focusing on what would be best for our son.
For the same reason, we came to The Drake Institute – trying to find what would be best for our son. We attended the three-hour seminar given by Dr. Velkoff and proceeded to the evaluation process at the Drake Institute within days. Our goals were to have him off the medication completely, improve on his attention skills and to reduce his hyperactivity. I am happy to say that we accomplished all three of our goals. Even more astounding of us was to see the dramatic results of the TOVA test he took at the Mid-Case Review, as compared to the TOVA test taken at his initial evaluation.
As I told another parent just days ago, we have seen our son transform before our eyes. Some people might consider neurofeedback an alternative form of treatment – we consider it cutting edge treatment. If you are reading this, you should take the next step and attend Dr. Velkoff’s seminar.
With The Drake Institute’s help, we have a whole different child!"
The parents of Travis, a 7 year old ADHD patient
"When I first went to your seminar in April 1994 I was worried, skeptical and a bit mixed up about my condition and what I should do about it. As a 24-year-old I consider myself very well educated and successful and nothing wrong with me. However, my liver tests were high and I was dependent on Cylert since I was about 14 (after Ritalin and Desoxyn stopped working for me).
I worked really hard in the sessions and visualized being off the medication. It worked. Let me tell you what I’ve accomplished since being off the medication and finishing my 40 sessions; I earned a large raise at my company, my sphere of friends has grown tremendously, I have much higher self-esteem, and I’ve been able to start a very successful part-time business. I no longer look at myself as different from other people. I can accomplish anything and everything they can. I feel great about me. You helped me attain what I’ve always dreamed about but never thought possible. Thanks so much."
A 24 year old male patient
"Until my son Joshua attended the Drake Institute he was a wonderful little boy locked inside the confines of ADHD. He wanted to pay attention and learn at school, but he couldn’t. Negative feedback and the principal’s office were the major part of his school life. At home he wanted to be a good boy and do the things he was asked to do, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t hold his attention long enough to dress himself and asking him to clean up his room was an impossible task. I could never take him shopping with me because he would run all over the place. Joshua was born a happy child full of love, life, and joy. When ADHD became evident, Joshua became a changed person. He became shy and withdrawn with the fear no one would like him, so he had no friends. The wild and uncontrollable actions that accompany this malfunction of the brain took Joshua to a world of isolation and unbearable loneliness.
To put Joshua on a lifetime of drug dependence was a last resort for my husband and me. And then the Drake Institute became a part of Joshua’s life. I honestly noticed a difference in Joshua after the first treatment. As the treatments went on, Joshua just got better and better. When he started at a new school in September, his teacher saw no evidence of ADHD. Joshua tells us that he is the third best worker in the class. He has gained the respect of many of his classmates and has new friends. It is now a joy to take Joshua anywhere.
Thank you for helping our son Joshua out of the confines of ADHD and thereby letting the world see another beautiful human being."
"I want to express our thanks and gratitude for what you and your program has done for Zachary and our family. I do not exaggerate when I say that you have given him a whole new start for his life.
Zach came to you as a child who couldn’t focus, stay on task, couldn’t complete an assignment, was constantly and easily distracted, talked incessantly, fantasized constantly and even filled his “quiet times” with monotonous, repetitive noises and songs. He and I fought over everything – but homework was the worst. Homework was a three-hour nightly battle that left both of us feeling bruised, exhausted and unhappy with each other. Weekends continued the battle because they were set aside for completing the unfinished homework. He had no “free time” and neither did I.
We couldn’t figure out what we were doing wrong. We tried all the parenting skills we learned from various groups and friends. He wasn’t a bad kid, in fact he was quite charming, creative, affectionate and even funny. It was clear he that he was bright, all anyone had to do was talk with him for a few minutes and his intelligence was obvious. His teachers told us from the time he was in second grade that he had great comprehension but somehow he was unable to translate his work to paper – and he disrupted the other students’ ability to complete their own work. We felt that he just wasn’t trying hard enough. So we pushed harder.
With each battle, his self-esteem visibly sank. He became clingy but his hugs and affection were more of the “Do you love me?” type than the “I love you” type. He seemed attracted to kids we would classify as being “on the edge” – an element that concerned us greatly. He seemed sad most of the time.
A teacher suggested that we have him tested for ADD, so we consulted our pediatrician and a neurologist. Both our pediatrician and a psychologist suggested the Drake Institute.
We were skeptical. Brain wave biofeedback seemed like voodoo to us. We were more familiar with the standard treatment of Ritalin. However, we felt that the medication would always be there and we wanted to give this non-invasive, non-drug-oriented treatment a chance. If it didn’t work, we could always go back to medication.
The first thing to disappear was the monotonous, repetitive noises that Zach made in his “quiet times.” He began to spend more time in “reality” and we noticed that some of the parenting tools that we had abandoned were now working. His schoolwork began to improve. I set a limit of 1-1/2; hours for homework. What he had finished in that time, he finished – no matter what. He began to complete his assignments in less time than that and without an argument.
Now that we are at the end of treatment, it is clear that we have a new child. It is dramatic improvement that can’t be explained away as simply as “maturing.” No one matures this much in eight months.
His grades are improving. Zach recently got the highest grade in his class on a Social Science test. Before, he never had “time” to even finish a test. He completed a nine page book report in two weeks – including reading time – and received a 10, plus four bonus points for turning it in three weeks early. He is getting perfect scores on his spelling. His last report card has his first “A” ever. Best of all, the other night he told me “You know Mom, I’m one of the smartest kids in my class.” We always knew he was smart, now he knows it too.
We don’t fight over homework anymore. He organizes his time and sets his agenda and completes the work. He isn’t a perfect kid. We still fight but now our arguments are well within the normal range of parent/child conflicts. We also cuddle more and he freely expresses his pleasure with himself and me.
Zach is involved in organized sports for the first time. Before, he said he couldn’t “focus” enough to follow a game while it was in process. As a result, he played solitary games or simple games that were easy to follow. With his new skills becoming evident, he was invited to play basketball to emphasize it.
Your program has, quite simply, changed our lives. We are pleased that he accomplished this without medication. He owns the changes in his life and doesn’t have to depend on a cycle of medication kicking in and wearing off. We are enormously grateful."
From the mother of Zachary, an 11 year old ADHD patient
"Thank you for helping me minimize my problems with ADD. You made it much easier for me to study for tests, and I aced one of them. I finally got some A’s on my report card and it felt great! One of my friends even told his mother about the changes he saw go on in me.
Last year it would have taken me two weeks to finish six questions in class. I couldn’t remember what I read and I often had to re-read the chapters. The parent-teacher conferences were not always positive, and I was often “down in the dumps” when one happened (which was quite often). In class, any noise near me could and would distract me. I wasn’t mentally “there” in class, and when the teacher said my name I went “huh, what?”
At home I had constant arguments with my mother over everything except dinnertime. Mostly we fought over homework, or any other demand made of me. I just couldn’t concentrate. I didn’t even have the weekends free. To make a long story short, I was miserable. Now, I barely ever fight with my mother, when my teachers say my name, it’s because I know the answer, and I feel “GRRREAT!” I’m making new friends, and my taste in friends is dramatically changing. I was miserable, now I love my life. What your program has done for me is indescribable. But in a word Thanks."
From Zach himself, an 11 year old ADHD patient
"I am writing you because we feel the need to express to you our gratitude for all you have done for my daughter Ashley’s well being.
I remember seven months ago, I heard about your center and Neurofeedback treatment for children with ADHD through a local radio station. I felt like it was God’s response to our prayers.
So my husband and I, as many parents do, went to your Center desperate looking for some kind of help and hope. It has been since then, seven long months of sacrifices for our family. But now we can see the wonderful results.
The treatment has come to an end, and we are so thankful to you for helping Ashley. You and your team at the Irvine Center have been to us “angels” from heaven. Your kindness, patience and great knowledge have made a big difference in our life.
Ashley is doing so well. She is behaving much better, thinking and communicating more with us, getting along with her sister, and others. She’s taking more responsibility for her actions, and she is setting up her goals to concentrate more in school. Overall she is happier, and understands better her condition, which is helping her to cooperate more and deal with it. Our family is now more content because of that.
My husband and I would like to let you know that if we can ever be of any help to your purpose of improving other’s lives through your program; you can always count on us. So far, we already have shared our experience with others in need of this information, hoping they get the same results we have accomplished through your Center.
May God continue guiding you to change the lives of many families and provide you with the resources needed to accomplish such humanitarian work.
God bless you and everyone else at the Drake Institute!"
Mirna E.
"We are so thrilled with Jade’s progress. When we first came to Drake, Jade could hardly sit still for the brain map; close his eyes or relax. Now he listens, he notices small detail.
Jade asks before doing things; he taught his sister to calm down when she was crying. He follows directions better then his typically developing sister. He can wait in line without screaming. He is so awesome at listening now. He can now follow 2-3 step directions. When he drops something, he will stop to pick it up. When he puts his shoes sway he stops to fold his socks and then in the shoes (so he won’t lose the socks!).
He tells stories to his Grandma. My Mom came downstairs after spending time with Jade and was so amazed- . “He made up a story for me – he is talking so much. I can talk to him now.” One day his sister was crying and screaming. Jade used to hit her when she cried but this particular day he walked up to her and hugged her and said “Sofia, you need to calm down- close your eyes; take a deep breath and blow it our hard” It was so cute. I almost started to cry.
I rate the overall improvement from the start of treatment as excellent."
Jade's Mom
"Thank goodness we found out about you.
Having Mason diagnosed gave us the information to find out about your other treatments that help him a lot. He is a different kid. He has improved with his impulsive; hyperactive behavior. There is less irritability, decreased fidgeting, higher tolerance for frustration, increased ability to stay on task and has the ability to self monitor. He has a decrease in energy – that is a good thing. We home school him now and now he has friends and is doing much better. He now has A’s in math and science. The overall improvement from start of treatment is excellent."
Mason's Mom
"I can see that Andrew is more alert when I call his name. Before, I would always call his name more than three times before he responded to my request. The other day he had broken something in the house and he felt very bad. He started to say what I did, and he kept repeating it over and over – I told him to go to his room so he could calm down. When I went to check on him he was using the breathing techniques to calm himself. I was very surprised.
The worksheets he does in school always used to have comments from the school aide. I noticed before he needed help tracing his letters or numbers. Now the comments are “great job – did on his own,” etc. I rate his overall improvement from start of treatment as excellent."
Andrew's Mom
"I took my daughter to Drake Institute 2 years ago, she was struggling in school, home life was difficult, she was unresponsive, uninterested, and her teachers had pretty well given up.
We tried medications for a few months that started off to show signs of improvement. We were hopeful, but as days/weeks dragged on the pills seemed to have less and less effectiveness and seemed to be causing their own sets of problems.
My husband and I found Drake Institute online and thought it was to good to be true. We went and met with the Dr. at Drake who was sincere, caring and I really believe had my daughter’s interests at heart. We debated for a bit, as the treatments aren’t cheap, but I’m so glad we made the decision to proceed with the sessions, it was worth all the hardships to make it happen.The changes made at Drake Institute weren’t overnight, but every day we started seeing improvements. A light turned on in my daughter that had been dulled out long ago. Today my daughter is doing well in school, she is keeping up with her peers, and she is off the medications. I couldn’t be more appreciative to the staff at Drake and highly recommend them to any parent whose child needs help."
"I wanted to express our sincere gratitude to you and your wonderful staff at The Drake Institute in Irvine. You and your staff have exceeded all our expectations and the results are astounding to us and all who have been watching James over the many years. Comments are “he is social, alert, funny, engaging, courteous, smart, and loving”, he even won several awards from school for writing and mathematics. These comments and awards were not the opportunities for James until attending the Drake.
We are so grateful for all your work and the dedication put forth to get James and our family to where we are today.
When we met last year, Robert and I were at a loss in regards to where to go with James’s treatment. James was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2. Now 11 years old James was under the care of a child psychiatrist. His doctor had prescribed several different medications to try to regulate his severe mood swings and aggressive behavior. James was extremely difficult to manage. He had a very difficult time getting along with his sisters and the few friends he had. He was noncompliant about almost everything he was asked to do. During which time James was also falling behind academically in school. His language and social skills were years behind his age. We had been looking for a solution however all of the programs required we take James off all medication before we would proceed. That was not a option since we had spent years and tens of thousands of dollars getting him to where he was. The Drake Institute was the only program who would work with James the way he was and the results are a gift from God.
Today we are so proud to be able say that James is 100% medication free. No medication at all. This accomplishment goes beyond words. In contrast, our last program wanted to keep James medicated permanently and leave him to an institution forever, this was not acceptable. When you look at him today, his eyes are clear and bright. Something I have not seen in a long while. James is focusing hard on his schoolwork and is learning and comprehending the information, even received three awards this year at school for academics.
James is much more able to control his emotions and express how he is feeling. James enjoys spending time with his sister and gets along with them and is doing well with old and new friends. We are so grateful for everyone at the Drake in taking such good care of our family and everything we have accomplished through your program. Thank you for giving us back our son and family. You and your staff have changed our lives forever."
Robert and Stephanie
"We are parents of two boys who are both being treated here at Drake. Our oldest son, Nathan, is 16 and has Asperger’s Syndrome. When we came to Drake we were absolutely desperate for help for him. He had been suspended from school and a friend of his gave us the website information and we had an appointment within two weeks. Nathan struggled not only with social skills but also any kind of change in his routine threw him into a major fit, and often had to leave class because he just couldn’t handle the noise and distractions of other people around him. We had him on an I.E.P. since he was in 8th grade to help get him the help he needed and to help his teachers understand him as well. It was a constant battle of worrying about what would happen this week at school and how we were going to deal with it. And because he’d been bullied all his life by peers, by this time his self esteem was almost non-existent and he was a ticking time bomb.
Our youngest son, Noah, is now 13 and has ADHD and what we now know is Auditory Processing Disorder. Noah had been very impulsive, hyperactive and seemed to always be fighting at school. By the time he got to 7th grade, he began to withdraw from sports, friends, family and even his grades were suffering. We originally came to seek help for Nathan, but when we watched that video we knew we had to get help for Noah also. We were shocked at what we learned from the video. Our boys were on so much medication that it was a hazard to their overall health and what we didn’t know about their issues, we learned during that video. Dr. Velkoff definitely described them both as severe with their diagnoses. We started Nathan within the week and Noah two months later.
What we have seen happen to our boys in nothing short of a miracle! Nathan is able to have conversations with people, is trying new things like foods and clothes and we are having the greatest time getting to know his sense of humor! It's like a cloud has been lifted from him and we have a son we never knew before. He is so proud of himself and feels like a million bucks! That is priceless to us as his parents. He is off of ALL of his meds and just this week was exited out of the I.E.P. program due to the fact the he no longer qualifies for services. No longer qualifies! Can you imagine what that means to him? WOW!
And Noah is doing just as phenomenal. He only has one more med to get off of and is about to start the Fast For Word program. For the first time in his life he is able to use his brain to think before he does anything and he tells us all the time how good it feels to have control of himself. He’d never been able to do that before, it was always just pure impulse. He is even learning to try new things and enjoy them like learning to play the guitar. Where did that come from? And he’s actually very good at it! We can’t wait to see how much further he will improve as his treatment goes on, but even with just where he is and Nathan, it’s amazing!
We live 1 1/2 hours from Drake and 3 days a week we drive to and from for our boys. For their betterment, their lives, their futures. Yes, it is a costly commitment and investment, but how could we not do it? We were already spending so much time and money on doctor visits and medications, why not put it into something to actually give them a better life and future? That's our job as parents, right? It’s not just the treatment, though. We have to be willing to use the tools and support we get from our facilitator as well. The help and support we get from Elaine is enormously helpful, even when we didn’t see anything happening for a long time, she understood and encouraged us that it sometimes takes longer for some patients and boy are we glad we stuck it out!
Because of what Dr. Velkoff and his staff are doing, Nathan has a great chance of achieving his goal, becoming a Marine. And Noah now has the ability to do whatever he sets his mind to. Obviously we are so pleased and excited at what has happened to our boys since coming to Drake Institute. We believed in something that was different and trusted Dr. Velkoff with our kids and we were right to do so. We encourage all of you to give this a chance, give your child and family a chance at a great future and a great life. Commit to it, the program and the behavior modification and watch what miracles will happen!"
Joseph and Gina
"We can’t thank you enough for all of the help you have given Trevor. We have so much to say, it is going to be difficult to fit it into this letter.
We began to notice that something was up with Trevor from infancy. Sleep was almost impossible for him and, therefore, for us. He was a really happy kid, but he was always “on.” He spoke at an early age and is very smart, and his tendency toward manipulation caused great difficulty with other kids. Trevor was the loudest kid in the bunch and other kids would use that to get him into even more trouble.
We spent incredible amounts of time and money on conventional and alternative therapies, with temporary, little or no relief. Medication ‘took the edge off’ for a short time, but when he developed a tremor from it, our gut feeling that meds were wrong was confirmed. When he started coming home from third grade in tears from being teased and not being allowed to play in the games, he took his anger out on the family with violent, aggressive and frightening tantrums. It is hard to believe that we nearly called 911 on our eight-year-old son…several times. We were running out of options when we figured either Drake or a resident care school were all that was left. Fortunately for our family, we chose Drake!
From the very first treatment, we began to see improvement in many of his difficult behaviors. The morning after his first neurofeedback, he woke up saying he slept so well, he had never felt better in his life. He had not wet the bed that night, and hasn’t since (5 months). Where it used to take one to three hours for him to get to sleep, he now falls asleep within minutes of going to bed and no longer wakes us up screaming in terror. The morning routine used to be full of conflict and frustration, but Trevor now takes pride in being the first one ready to go and often voluntarily makes lunches for everyone in the family. Tantrums used to be several times per week and last two to three hours; they are now rare and short lived. We even find ourselves asking Trevor to repeat himself because he is talking so quietly we can’t hear him. Chores that used to be routinely refused, even with great incentives, are now done with only the complaints that we would expect from any kid.
School has also improved for Trevor. He enjoyed the Fast Forward program and really believes it helped him focus at school. Class work often came home with D’s and F’s, he had detentions for talking and not completing work, he was ostracized by his classmates. He now brings home the A’s and B’s we knew he was capable of, has not had any detentions, and gets upset when he is not at school early enough to play games on the playground before school. He still is a talker and a wiggler, but is working hard to get that under control. He still struggles with some relationships that won’t acknowledge his hard work and the changes he is making.
Homework was never fun for him or us, either taking several hours and full of screaming and excuses, or he’d be “done” in minutes with illegible and incorrect work. Our corrections of work that was sloppy or wrong were, to put it nicely, not well received. He would do the bare minimum to get by and often “forget” to bring home important items. Homework is now done rather easily and he takes pride in turning in good work, although he would still rather not have to do it. He has discovered that reading can actually be fun.
Yesterday, we got a letter from Trevor’s school, which prompted that old feeling of dread. We opened it up and were shocked and pleased to find out that Trevor will be receiving an award for “Character and Integrity” at the “Super Citizen” assembly…I’m getting teary-eyed even as I write this. We entered into The Drake Institute with what we thought were realistic expectations, but higher hopes. With Drake’s help, our son has put in a lot of hard work and surpassed all of those hopes and expectations. Trevor is still by no means an “easy kid,” but between the therapy he has done and the skills we learned, there is finally peace in our home.
We are so pleased with the changes The Drake Institute has facilitated in our son. Believe it or not, we miss the hour-and-a-half commute each way because of the wonderful staff at the office and the impromptu “group therapy” in the waiting room."
Dr. Brian & Tara
"I am writing you because we feel the need to express to you our gratitude for all you have done for my daughter Ashley’s well being.
I remember seven months ago, I heard about your center and Neurofeedback treatment for children with ADHD through a local radio station. I felt like it was God’s response to our prayers.
So my husband and I, as many parents do, went to your Center desperate looking for some kind of help and hope. It has been since then, seven long months of sacrifices for our family. But now we can see the wonderful results.
The treatment has come to an end, and we are so thankful to you for helping Ashley. You and your team at the Irvine Center have been to us “angels” from heaven. Your kindness, patience and great knowledge have made a big difference in our life.
Ashley is doing so well. She is behaving much better, thinking and communicating more with us, getting along with her sister, and others. She’s taking more responsibility for her actions, and she is setting up her goals to concentrate more in school. Overall she is happier, and understands better her condition, which is helping her to cooperate more and deal with it. Our family is now more content because of that.
My husband and I would like to let you know that if we can ever be of any help to your purpose of improving other’s lives through your program; you can always count on us. So far, we already have shared our experience with others in need of this information, hoping they get the same results we have accomplished through your Center.
May God continue guiding you to change the lives of many families and provide you with the resources needed to accomplish such humanitarian work.
God bless you and everyone else at the Drake Institute!"
Mirna E.
"Amin has been a patient in this professional treatment for Autism and other disorders the likes of Asperger and ADHD and other focusing disorders for almost three years. The experience has been rewarding, enriching and above all deeply inspiring.
Amin, our son was prognosed as having autistic and ADHD disorders. He was different from his siblings and behaved differently from all conforming behaviors. As parents we were devastated and pained and felt for Amin beyond description. We looked everywhere for help to no avail. Finally we stumbled on Drake Institute headed by the great Dr. David Velkoff. Reading about the institute seemed to attract out attention and so we decided to call the clinic in Irvine.
After demonstrating via videos the effectiveness of the treatment to autism, we felt comfortable to join in and we decided to do so.
We have been coming to visit with this group of professionals for almost three years. Amin has changed from a raging angry person almost uncontrollable to a calm, communicable loving person. The professional staff, Maria , Andy, Monique and the front desk ladies seemed to take to Amin and Amin took to them. Amin seemed to connect with them very well and his discourse and socializing became more acceptable. We at home have been living a better serene life. Amin’s different charm and nice personality has been overwhelming and more positive than before.
We would like to extend our thanks and heartily felt appreciation for the institute and its staff for a well done job. We recommend highly for all parents who have children with Autism and other disorders that demand focusing better in daily life to give Drake institute a try. Thanks again everyone who worked hard to make this institute an asset to help in those particular disorders."
Amin's parents
"My daughter is 8 years old. She has a combination of ADHD and Trichotillomania, a form of OCD, where she pulls out her eyelashes and eyebrows. Our family suffered for 7 years, not knowing how to help her. In Montessori school, she could not slow down enough to work in groups without bothering others.
In first and second grade, she pulled out her hair and started scraping her feet. At the beginning of third grade, she was so impulsive, she was almost hit by a police car once when she darted across the street, and another time jumped out of my car window when I was at a stop sign. We had never had a sit down family dinner. We would not take her to a restaurant. And, it was very difficult getting her ready for school or any function.
Before Drake, she had been on medications for ADHD and Trichotillomania. Some symptoms would get better and some would get worse. There were always side effects. The one time I felt like both were getting better, she was so drugged she couldn’t even play. As her mother, I was in agony. I wanted to help her so much but didn’t know what else to do but to keep bringing her back to the psychiatrist, who always wanted to give her more medication.
I had finally had enough. Over two years of medicating my daughter, five different medications tried, and she was behind in school, impulsive, anxious, getting stomachaches, not sleeping, and still pulling out her hair and scraping her feet. That’s when I went on line to look for other solutions and found Drake. I filled out a questionnaire, and Dr. Velkoff called me within minutes. He explained to me what was going on in her brain and how he could help. I met with him that week and my daughter started treatments. We noticed a change after a few visits, and continued to attend all of her sessions. Dr. Velkoff continued to meet with us as we lowered her medications. She is no longer on any medication for ADHD, and shows no signs of impulsivity. She is still energetic but directs it in positive ways . She sleeps better and we have family dinners. We take her to restaurants, and parents say she can come and play anytime. We are a completely different family than we were before we started treatments at Drake. I am so grateful to Dr. Velkoff and the staff that helped our family get to this point. Drake gave My daughter the opportunity to succeed in life."
“David F. Velkoff, M.D., our Medical Director and co-founder, supervises all evaluation procedures and treatment programs. He is recognized as a physician pioneer in using biofeedback, qEEG brain mapping, neurofeedback, and neuromodulation in the treatment of ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and stress related illnesses including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Dr. David Velkoff earned his Master’s degree in Psychology from the California State University at Los Angeles in 1975, and his Doctor of Medicine degree from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta in 1976. This was followed by Dr. Velkoff completing his internship in Obstetrics and Gynecology with an elective in Neurology at the University of California Medical Center in Irvine. He then shifted his specialty to Neurophysical Medicine and received his initial training in biofeedback/neurofeedback in Neurophysical Medicine from the leading doctors in the world in biofeedback at the renown Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas. In 1980, he co-founded the Drake Institute of Neurophysical Medicine. Seeking to better understand the link between illness and the mind, Dr. Velkoff served as the clinical director of an international research study on psychoneuroimmunology with the UCLA School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and the Pasteur Institute in Paris. This was a follow-up study to an earlier clinical collaborative effort with UCLA School of Medicine demonstrating how the Drake Institute's stress treatment resulted in improved immune functioning of natural killer cell activity. Dr. Velkoff served as one of the founding associate editors of the scientific publication, Journal of Neurotherapy. He has been an invited guest lecturer at Los Angeles Children's Hospital, UCLA, Cedars Sinai Medical Center-Thalians Mental Health Center, St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, California, and CHADD. He has been a medical consultant in Neurophysical Medicine to CNN, National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel, Univision, and PBS.”